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Welcome to the library!

The Southview Elementary School Library through its media services program, acts as the center of the school for comprehensive information and media services.  Every student participates in a library orientation at the start of the school year. Students have access to the media center through a semi-flexible schedule, and through the whole group, structured lessons. 

Our mission is to foster a love of reading and to provide activities and resources that will support students and staff in becoming effective and discriminating life-long users of information.  We provide free access to books, computer-based resources, and other information, and the library helps support the school's curriculum. 

Our library is fully automated and networked thus allowing students, teachers, and parents access. Visit Classlink for access to online books through SORA and myON (Renaissance). Also, students are encouraged to take Accelerated Reader (AR) Quizzes to test their comprehension of the book and to earn points towards their goal. Did you know you can read away from school? Go to the public library at Tuscaloosa Public Library!

Mrs. Maneri





Library Schedule

Tuscaloosa Public Library